Burnsville Police Chief Tanya Schwartz and Fire Chief B.J. Jungmann released statements in response to straw purchasing charges against Ashley Anne Dyrdahl, who is accused of supplying weapons to the man who killed three Burnsville first responders.

Schwartz: The assaults and blatant disrespect of police officers and all public safety must end. The women and men in law enforcement who honor their oath and put their lives on the line every day to serve and protect deserve respect and support not just when a tragedy strikes or when it serves political gains. More often than ever before, police officers across the state of Minnesota are forced by someone else’s behavior to make split second decisions to protect the life of another, their partners, or themselves from great bodily harm or death. They do this without the benefit of hindsight, and sometimes they are made out to be criminals. Meanwhile, actual criminals are moving about Minnesota communities terrorizing innocent people, robbing them of their freedoms, rights, property, and lives, with little or no accountability. Our deep gratitude to the silent majority of public safety supporters who have been unafraid to stand for us and for our fallen families. We need you. Advocate for us when you hear people using the lens that the only accountability required is police accountability. Remind those elected to support public safety and take action that sends clear messages to criminals that they will be held accountable for their actions too. Encourage them to stop making it near impossible for police officers to keep themselves and the public safe.

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